Assisted Suicide

CARE in the press: assisted suicide is wrong path for Scotland

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CARE for Scotland's Michael Veitch is quoted in the Scottish press over the weekend.

The newspaper reports on an Edinburgh man named Kevin who wishes to travel abroad to end his life.

He has a serious mental health condition and feels he should have the right to an 'assisted death'.

Mr Veitch, Parliamentary Officer at CARE for Scotland, comments:

“We extend our deepest sympathy to Kevin. Many people in Scotland are struggling with mental health conditions, and the coronavirus pandemic has made matters much harder for some. As a Christian charity, CARE believes there is always hope, even in the bleakest of circumstances. We would urge Kevin to seek help, and not give up. There are amazing services in Scotland with the empathy and resources to meet his needs.

“We believe, strongly, that assisted suicide is not something that should be countenanced in good societies. Evidence from other jurisdictions paints a troubling picture. In places like Canada, marginalised, hurting people are feeling forced to end their lives because they cannot access the services they need to live. And this has become accepted. This is not just, and it would be reckless for MSPs to risk a similar outcome in Scotland.

“There are very good reasons why the UK has not legislated for assisted suicide. Safeguards would fail: doctors cannot detect the subtle signs of coercion, and may miss depression in a patient. The law could become more permissive over time: activists would demand assisted suicide for people who don’t have a terminal illness before long. The only real way to prevent serious abuse of people is to uphold current, compassionate laws.

“Scotland has been a leading light in terms of compassionate care for the dying. There are wonderful palliative care staff working to ensure dignity and comfort at the end of life every single day. Our country also has a proud track record of extending solidarity and help to people who are suicidal. We don’t tell people to go through with it. We will continue to campaign for just, compassionate, and safe laws that truly help the vulnerable.”
