Assisted Suicide

Scottish Finance Secretary to oppose assisted suicide

Kate Forbes

Scotland's Finance Secretary has said she will oppose assisted suicide proposals before Holyrood.

Kate Forbes MSP, who is a Christian, described how allowing the practice would harm vulnerable people.

She said her position is influenced by having an uncle in his late 50s who has Down's Syndrome.

She told Holyrood Magazine: “I often look at every proposal when it comes to assisted dying through the lens of where it would leave him".

“That’s just a purely personal position, but I cannot see a system where the most vulnerable in society are sufficiently protected."

"I think that’s the message you’re hearing very strongly from disability rights campaigners", she added.

Scotland’s Health Secretary Humza Yousaf has also said he is “not persuaded” by plans brought forward by Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur.

In an interview with the BBC last year, Mr Yousaf explained that he is concerned legislation is open to abuse, with insufficient ‘safeguards.

In the past, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has also expressed opposition to assisted suicide due to safety concerns. Speaking before the last debate on the issue in 2015, she said:

"I voted against it last time and I haven't been convinced of assisted suicide this time either. A major stumbling block is the issue of sufficient safeguards. I believe we should support people to live and I am therefore in favour of good quality palliative care."

A consultation on Liam McArthur's 'Assisted Dying' Bill closed at the end of last year. The proposal would allow people with a terminal illness to be prescribed lethal drugs by doctors.

In an official response to the consultation, CARE warned that legalising assisted suicide would change Scottish society for the worse.

Read our full response here: Response to McArthur consultation
