
Scottish MPs urged to pressure Govt on porn safeguards

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CARE has urged Scottish MPs to “hold the UK Government’s feet to the fire” over pornography safeguards after polling revealed the staggering extent of sexual harassment and abuse in Scotland.

Polling of 450 girls and young women by The Sunday Post found 18 per cent of those surveyed had been sexually assaulted, 17 per cent had been stalked, and 14 per cent had been targeted with indecent exposure.

Over half – 55 per cent – had been targeted physically and over a third had been touched inappropriately. Almost 7 in 10 participants in the study felt the scale of the problem is not understood, and 8 in 10 said not enough is being done to tackle abuse.

Responding to the findings, a spokesman for CARE, said:

“The results of this poll are staggering and very hard to read. However, they’re not altogether surprising. The study adds to a raft of similar findings by educationalists and campaigners. It’s clear that sexual harassment and abuse are endemic in our society, and women and girls are the targets.

“One of the biggest drivers of this culture is pornography, which boys are accessing from a young age. There is strong evidence connecting consumption of porn with harmful sexual behaviours. The solution to curbing harassment and abuse must include curbing the porn industry. Yet the UK Government has been dragging its heels.”

“The UK Parliament passed legislation to bar access to commercial porn sites by children, and punish sites that host ‘extreme’, violent pornography in 2017. Enforcement of these vital safeguards was delayed by UK Ministers for two years. Then in 2019, they decided to prevent enforcement altogether.

“For four years now, the Government has thwarted the will of parliament. Ministers now appear open to implementing age verification again, but it is not clear when. Whether they are open to curbing extreme porn is unknown. All the while, children continue to stumble on pornography, and porn-motivated sexual violence increases.

“The UK Government should be implementing curbs as a matter of priority. Their apathy is negatively impacting culture in all four areas of the UK, including Scotland as the Sunday Post polling shows. We call on Scottish politicians to hold the UK Government's feet to the fire on this issue and demand safeguards now.

“The most obvious solution is to enforce legislation already on the statute book – Part 3 of the Digital Economy Act – to prevent children accessing commercial porn sites and see stricter regulation of ‘extreme’ content. Parliament has approved this action already. Public safety demands it. It's time for Ministers to make this a reality.”


Notes for Editors:

CARE is a well-established mainstream Christian charity providing resources and helping to bring Christian insight and experience to matters of public policy and practical caring initiatives.

For interview requests or more information please contact Jamie Gillies:


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