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Big win as dangerous home abortion amendment is withdrawn

6 July 2020
Mother baby touching hands 8

An attempt to change the law to legalise dangerous home abortions on a permanent basis has been halted after the MP who tabled the amendment to achieve this end withdrew the amendment at the last moment.

MPs were debating the UK Government’s Domestic Abuse Bill for England and Wales and earlier today the Speaker selected amendment NC28 for a vote.

If it had passed, it would have legalised home abortions which are currently allowed on a temporary basis because of COVID-19.

However, the Government offered a public consultation on extending home abortions for all women, not just victims of domestic abuse and under pressure to withdraw, Diana Johnson did so.

During the debate, the vast majority of MPs spoke out against NC28, with only Diana Johnson MP speaking openly in favour of her own amendment.

The good news is it means the issue of abortion has been removed from the Domestic Abuse Bill for the time being.

However, the public consultation means the threat remains. It will be vital to engage with this consultation which should hopefully provide an opportunity to provide evidence of the dangers involved with allowing home abortions.

We will of course keep you updated with all the next developments.

Respond­ing to the vote, CARE’s James Mil­dred said:

This is clearly a very good outcome. The overwhelming majority of MPs tonight spoke out against the home abortion amendment, with many rightly pointing out it would potentially lead to further abuse. Only one MP seemed really in favour and that was Ms Johnson who tabled the amendment. This issue is not going away however and we must therefore remain vigilant and keep making the case that the Domestic Abuse Bill should be kept focused on abuse, not abortion.
James Mildred Head of Communications

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