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Modern Slavery victim support to be extended

Human Trafficking
18 April 2019
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All confirmed victims of modern slavery in England and Wales will now receive much needed support beyond the current 45-day limit for the next couple of months.

A few weeks ago, two former modern slavery victims launched a legal challenge against the 45-day limit for the so called ‘move on period’ of support after a person is confirmed as a victim by the authorities, arguing it is unlawful.

At that time, a High Court Judge ruled that the current 45-day limit should be temporarily suspended until the matter had been given further consideration.

This week, the Judge confirmed that the suspension of the 45-day limit will continue until the issue has been subjected to a full judicial review. The final outcome is expected to be delivered in June.

What this means

This ruling means that for a temporary period at least, all confirmed victims of modern slavery will receive support – including things like financial assistance, advice and housing – beyond 45-days. At CARE we believe it is crucial victims are given a longer period of support. That’s why part of our recent work has been supporting Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill which would guarantee victims 12 months support.

CARE has been making the case for months that victims need more than 45 days of support. This legal challenge raises the prospect that the current limit could be unlawful. We hope this challenge will prompt the Government to review its current offer and back Lord McColl’s Bill.


Lord McColl of Dulwich told Sun Online: “I’m really delighted the Court is looking into this and that permission has been given for a judicial review.

“All the evidence I’ve seen is that victims need more support than the current 45-day move- on period. I introduced my Bill to try to improve what is available, and I am pleased that it has been backed by so many victim support charities.

“Now the Government should back my Bill to guarantee victims across England and Wales a full 12 months of support.”

CARE’s Senior Policy Officer – Human Trafficking, Louise Gleich said: “Today’s decision is hugely significant, and we are delighted permission has been given for the judicial review to proceed.

“Victims of modern slavery are falling through the cracks in the system and some end up in a brutal cycle of re-trafficking.

“The new 45 day move on period introduced by the Government this year is still insufficient to help victims to bridge the gap and rebuild their lives.

“Lord McColl’s Bill would guarantee victims a full 12 months of support which would include financial aid, housing, advice and access to other support services.

“The Bill is supported by anti-trafficking charities, including the 25 organisations in the Free For Good campaign, Peers, MPs and members of the public.”

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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