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Hammond Fails to Prioritise Struggling Families in Budget

Marriage and Family
22 November 2017
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CARE's Chief Executive Nola Leach gives her reaction to today's budget:

"Once again the Government has failed to take account of the tax burden that one earner families face in our current tax system. New research shows it is the highest amongst OECD countries, and this budget has done nothing to reduce it"

"Today was a missed opportunity for change, instead of prioritising struggling families in the budget the Government has raised the personal allowance, disregarding the importance of family in society"

"CARE urges the Government to put struggling families at the heart of its tax reforms by introducing a fully transferable marriage allowance. This would go a long way toward improving support for families across the UK"


For more information please contact Rachael Adams on 020 7227 4731 or

See also:

The taxation of families – international comparisons 2016 – CARE, published 13 November 2017

Chancellor Urged to End the Discriminatory Tax Regime that Penalises Families – CARE, 14 November 2017

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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