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CARE Raises Concerns Over Tax System that Penalises Struggling Families

Marriage and Family
13 November 2017
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Supporting families – and marriage in particular – has been a key aspect of CARE’s work for many years.

We believe the benefits of marriage reach far beyond husband and wife to wider family and society as a whole. With this in mind, we have campaigned to ensure the government recognises this, specifically through the tax system, by introducing transferable allowances for married couples. To support this work we have been at the forefront of research into how families fare in the UK tax and benefits system.

CARE's research into how the current tax system penalises struggling families was picked up in the mainstream press as well as on online news sites.

To read through some of our coverage click through the links below:

Daily Mail: British families with a stay-at-home parent 'are paying 20% more tax' than the rest of the western world

Daily Express: End tax shame: Hammond urged to make cuts as huge burden on families revealed

The London Economic: Just about managing families being discriminated against by punitive and unfair tax system

The Church Times: Bishop of St Albans alarmed by ‘profoundly destructive’ burden of UK family debt

Premier: Budget could have gone 'much further' in helping poor

CARE's Statement on the Autumn Budget:

CARE's Chief Executive, Nola Leach said: "Once again the Government has failed to take account of the tax burden that one earner families face in our current tax system. New research shows it is the highest amongst OECD countries, and this budget has done nothing to reduce it."

"Today was a missed opportunity for change, instead of prioritising struggling families in the budget the Government has raised the personal allowance, disregarding the importance of family in society.

"CARE urges the Government to put struggling families at the heart of its tax reforms by introducing a fully transferable marriage allowance. This would go a long way toward improving support for families across the UK."

To read Nola Leach's article on Conservative Home on why we need to boost the marriage allowance click here.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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