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Named Person judicial review challenge begins

Marriage and Family
8 March 2016
NO2 NP 0

The judicial challenge to the Scottish government’s named person plans begins today at the UK Supreme Court.

Under the Scottish government’s plans, from August this year, every young person in Scotland will have a State appointed guardian who will be able to access privileged and confidential information on a young person.

Campaigners have warned this ‘Big Brother’ scheme will undermine parents as well as stretching existing resources to breaking point, which will mean vulnerable children who really do need help missing out and slipping through the net.

Police chiefs, lawyers, teachers, healthcare workers and taxi drivers have all criticised the plans, alongside parents and charities.

Speaking ahead of the challenge, No2NP spokesman Simon Calvert said: “We think the Supreme Court will reject the scheme because it has a record of acting in defence of families and their rights to privacy. We also believe the judges will take a firm stand against the massive oversharing of sensitive family data which the scheme engenders.”

CARE for Scotland’s Dr Gordon Macdonald said: “This scheme is very dangerous and will undermine parents as those best placed to look after children".

The challenge is being spearheaded by the Christian Institute, supported by CARE, TYMES Trust and the Family Education Trust.

Image taken from the NO2NP campaign website

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