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CARE calls for extended marriage tax break

Marriage and Family
15 March 2016
Nola 010 2 2

The Chief Executive of CARE has urged the Chancellor to extend the marriage tax allowance when he delivers his budget in the House of Commons tomorrow.

Writing for Christian Today, Nola described the current tax break, which is only 10 per cent, as “paltry” and said if the Chancellor expanded the marriage tax break “this would significantly erode the fiscal incentive not to marry and in a small number of cases actually create a fiscal incentive to marry”.

Extolling the benefits of marriage, she said "marriage benefits parents, children and communities". She called on the Chancellor to put families first, saying "above all however, what I really want tomorrow is a budget that has families at its heart".

CARE’s most recent tax report revealed at the OECD average wage for the UK (£35,548), one-earner married couples with two children paid 35 per cent more than the OECD average.

In April 2015 the first marriage tax break for 20 years was introduced but was set at only 10 per cent, allowing couples to transfer just £212 per year.

Recent reports have also revealed only 330,000 people have signed up despite the fact the reform was supposed to help millions of married couples.

During the general election campaign last year, in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, the Prime Minister said he wanted to extend the marriage tax break.

Read Nola’s full piece here.

For more information on CARE's past and ongoing work in the area of family and tax, please see here.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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