CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Mermaids loses in attempt to strip charitable status from gender-critical organisation

6 July 2023

Mermaids, a controversial charity which advocates for ‘affirming care’ for children who identify as transgender has lost in an unprecedented legal battle to remove a gender-critical charity of its charitable status.

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Children in schools allowed to identify as animals

21 June 2023

It has been revealed that children across a number of schools in the UK are being allowed to self-identify as animals, and another claiming to be a moon.

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4‑year olds in Scotland allowed to change gender at school

12 June 2023

The Scottish Government has drawn up new LGBT inclusivity guidance which allows children as young as four to change their name and gender at school without their parents’ consent.

Trans girl

Trans activists protest Kathleen Stock’s Oxford Union speech

1 June 2023

Around 200 protestors gathered outside the Oxford Union earlier this week as academic Kathleen Stock was due to address students.

Religious Liberty
Kemi Badenoch

Conversion therapy ban won’t criminalise gender conversations’

24 May 2023

Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch has said the Government's ban on so called conversion therapy will not outlaw parents questioning their child's gender confusion.

Freedom of Speech
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Students offered welfare’ pack for gender critical talk

12 May 2023

A growing row over Oxford Union's, a free speech supporting society at the University of Oxford, decision to invite gender-critical feminist Kathleen Stock to speak deepened last night.

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The discussion around transgender issues can feel confusing, angry and highly polarised; we want to help Christians to understand what is going on and provide you with resources which will equip you to take part in the conversation.

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Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender