CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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NHS England pushes back on trans ideology

24 October 2022

New plans from NHS England say most children who believe they're the opposite sex are simply in a phase, and urge medics not to suggest that children change their names and use…

Marriage and Family
Trans girl

MP calls for investigation into trans charity Mermaids

14 October 2022

Damaging evidence about the conduct of Mermaids, a charity which promotes controversial gender identity theory in schools, was disclosed earlier this week.

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Online pharmacies are illegally dispensing gender swap drugs — exposé

10 October 2022

Teens who identify as trans are being illegally dispensed hormones by online pharmacies, a Sunday Times investigation shows.

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Scottish gender reform bill risks child safety

6 October 2022

CARE for Scotland has urged MSPs to vote down a gender recognition reform bill after a Holyrood committee said it should proceed.

Religious Liberty
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Conversion therapy: Scot Gov group says non trans-affirming parents should lose their kids

5 October 2022

A Scottish Government advisory group has called for sweeping new laws banning "conversion therapy practices" that would see parents who do not affirm a child's trans identity lose the right to custody.

Marriage and Family
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Trans charity offering dangerous chest binders to children

26 September 2022

A children's charity that pushes gender identity theory in schools has been accused of giving dangerous chest-flattening devices to young girls against their parents' wishes.

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The discussion around transgender issues can feel confusing, angry and highly polarised; we want to help Christians to understand what is going on and provide you with resources which will equip you to take part in the conversation.

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Abortion Online Safety Gambling Marriage and Family Commercial Sexual Exploitation Assisted Suicide Human Trafficking Religious Liberty Technology, Robotics, and AI Freedom of Speech Transgender