Pornography 2

10 resources you should know about pornography

Want to be better informed yourself better in understanding what's going on in the world of pornography? Looking to help a friend or family member as they fight against addiction? Here are ten resources that will help you.

Written by CARE

1. 'Captured by a better vision', Tim Chester

The prolific author and theology teacher Tim Chester turns his fire on pornography in Captured by a Better Vision. This is an accessible, punchy and convicting read, ideal for those struggling with pornography but not sure how to begin fighting back. Practical and positive, Chester encourages Christians to fix their eyes upon something better: the beauty of Jesus himself.

2. ‘Purity is possible’, Helen Thorne

Pornography was once seen as a predominantly male problem; but this is far from the reality. 1 in 5 Christian women use pornography and 1 in 3 visitors to a porn site is a woman, Thorne reports in ‘Purity is Possible’. Drawing on her own testimony, Thorne’s book is an honest and encouraging read for women, reassuring them that they are not alone in their experiences, and there is something better we can strive for.

3. ‘Left to their own devices’, Katherine Hill

This book from the UK Director of CARE for the Family is pitched at parents who want to be ‘confidently parenting in a world of screens’, and explains the online world that teenagers inhabit today; it isn’t just limited to pornography, but also covers social media use, gaming and screen time. It has been updated since the pandemic, and has also been turned into an online course, which you can access here.

4. ‘A better story’, Glynn Harrison

Not a book about pornography specifically, but more a survey of the sexual revolution and our culture today, Glynn Harrison critiques cultural narratives that have helped make pornography so permissible, and challenges the way the church has seemed to present ‘bad news’ about sex to the world. Instead, he presents a better vision for human sexuality: one that Christians would want to live out.

5. ‘The Porn talk’, Desiring God

Desiring God hosts a wide range of resources on its website about pornography, including wisdom for addicts, spouses and pastors. We’d particularly recommend this blog piece for parents, which describes how parents can discuss pornography & sexual sin in a healthy way with their children; it particularly stresses the importance of parents explicitly modelling a positive view of sex and love, and gives a wide range of practical pointers.

6. The Naked Truth Project

This Christian organisation works to educate, support, and encourage those struggling with pornography. Their website has a host of excellent resources both for individual recovery and for group settings, with a mixture of content tailored for people with and without faith. See their resources and programme list for more info.

7. Covenant Eyes

Twenty-four years old this year, Covenant Eyes provide software which has been used by over 1.5 million people to battle against porn. Their apps invite a trusted friend or family member to monitor what you’re searching, in order to provide accountability, and to help you fight a battle alongside someone else, rather than on your own.

8. SheRecovery

Looking for Christian resources to support women who are struggling with pornography? SheRecovery hosts a wide range of content specifically for women, including training, a podcast, daily devotionals and virtual summits. It also provides a community for support.

9. Consider before Consuming Podcast

A resource from Fight the New Drug, a secular, American anti-porn group, this podcast features guest experts, former porn users, and former porn actors all emphasising the benefits of life without porn, and examining the evidence around its harmful effects.

10. 'Young people and pornography', Children’s Commissioner

In 2022, 1000 children were asked about their experiences of consuming pornography. This report compiles the findings, with hard-hitting statistics about the age at which young people are coming across porn, the types of content they are seeing, and how social media is providing an accidental gateway for many.
