Sexual Exploitation

Human Trafficking

Seven ways to pray about human trafficking

This is part of our Seven Ways to Pray series. You can find similar prayer resources on our other cause pages.

Written by Celia Bowring

1. Pray for every­one who has been trafficked

Heavenly Father, we pray for women, children and men who have been tricked or coerced into slavery; suffering physical, emotional and sexual abuse. We know that nothing is hidden from You, and we cry out to You for justice, freedom and mercy.

2. Pray for poten­tial victims

Lord, please protect and provide individuals who are vulnerable to heartless traffickers planning to put them to work and exploit them – taken in by their deception or helpless to resist their coercion. We also think of families in deep poverty that agree in good faith to send away their children. Help them to realise the danger and say ‘no’.

3. Pray for legislators

Father, please grant wisdom and boldness to those in the UK Parliaments and Assemblies speaking up against trafficking. We thank You for the new legislation introduced in 2015 across the UK, and for Lord McColl's proposed new Private Members Bill to provide greater support for victims. May these laws help to achieve a greater number of prosecutions of perpetrators and help victims recover fully.

4. Pray for those who enforce the law

Lord, equip and strengthen all police officers; that they would spot the signs of all kinds of trafficking. Lead Police Commanders, Chief Constables and Police and Crime Commissioners to make investigating these crimes a priority. Grant them success!

5. Pray for perpetrators

Jesus our Saviour, thank You for the power of Your gospel to turn us from evil. We pray for those who make money at others’ expense, who exploit, abuse, inflict violence and pain and fear on their victims. May their eyes be opened and their hearts changed by calling on You in repentance.

6. Pray for justice

Heavenly Father, we pray for women, children and men who have been tricked or coerced into slavery; suffering physical, emotional and sexual abuse. We know that nothing is hidden from You, and we cry out to You for justice, freedom and mercy.

7. Pray that vic­tims might be able to rebuild their lives

Father, we lift to You survivors of trafficking and modern slavery as they try torecover from their ordeals and rebuild their lives. We pray especially for children now in the care of local authorities to receive the support they need and be kept safe from the influence and reach of their traffickers and others who would harm them.
