CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Bishop tells the Government: Gambling Advertising is out of control

13 September 2018

The Lord Bishop of St Albans, Alan Smith, raised the issue of gambling advertising in the House of Lords yesterday, urging the Government to bring in tougher regulation for online gambling advertising…

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NHS Chief joins calls for Premier League clubs to tackle gambling addiction

10 September 2018

Simon Stevens, the head of NHS England has joined mounting concerns that Premier League football clubs must do more to tackle gambling addiction.

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Britain faces generational time bomb’ over child gambling

22 August 2018

A leading Church of England Bishop has warned that Britain is facing a generational time bomb as more and more children become used to gambling.

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CARE talks about gambling advertising on BBC Radio

17 August 2018

As the Premier League kicked off again on Friday, CARE raised concerns that betting companies are side-stepping the ban on advertising to children by sponsoring football clubs and putting their logos on…

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Gambling companies side-stepping ad ban by sponsoring football teams

10 August 2018

Betting companies are side-stepping the ban on advertising to children by sponsoring football clubs and putting their logos on team shirts, public policy charity CARE warned today.

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New report highlights gambling is being normalised for young people

27 June 2018

The Responsible Gambling Strategy Board (RGSB) has today published advice to the Gambling Commission on children and young people and gambling, urging ministers to take action to stop the normalisation of gambling…



While for some, gambling is just harmless fun, for a significant minority it causes genuine devastation. Our vision is to see laws passed that will help protect vulnerable problem gamblers.

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