CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

Assisted Suicide
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Assisted Suicide

Right to die’ would become a duty to die’ for some, CARE warns

29 April 2024

The 'right to die' would become a 'duty to die' for some people if assisted suicide was made legal, CARE has warned.

Assisted Suicide
Hospital uk

Many issues’ found with Isle of Man assisted dying bill

25 April 2024

A report on the Isle of Man's Assisted Dying Bill, which proposes to allow terminally ill residents to end their lives, has “raised as many issues as its solved”, according to Chief…

Assisted Suicide
Empty wheelchair by hospital sofa

Scottish assisted suicide plans are a threat to disabled people, say campaigners

11 April 2024

Campaign groups have raised their concerns with MSPs over a new proposed Bill on assisted suicide in Scotland, suggesting it poses a significant threat to disabled individuals.

Assisted Suicide
Carer hands holding frail palliative care care home nursing

Commentator: assisted suicide would be a healthy development’

4 April 2024

Commentator Matthew Parris has said that if assisted suicide is legalised this would increase pressure on the most vulnerable, but this would be no bad thing.

Assisted Suicide
Nicola Sturgeon Gov Scot site photo

Nicola Sturgeon: I’m veering against voting for assisted suicide

3 April 2024

Scotland's former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said she is minded to vote against controversial assisted suicide legislation laid before the Scottish Parliament last week.

Assisted Suicide
Scotland holyrood edinburgh

Scotland assisted suicide Bill: Right to die’ could become duty to die’, warns CARE

28 March 2024

Press release: CARE for Scotland has urged MSPs to oppose new assisted suicide legislation, saying the “right to die” could become a “duty to die”.


Assisted Suicide

Where assisted suicide is legal, it makes vulnerable people feel like a burden. CARE works to uphold laws that protect those people, and to assist them to live—not to commit suicide.

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