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Seven ways to pray about abortion

This is part of our Seven Ways to Pray series. You can find similar prayer resources on our other cause pages.

Written by Celia Bowring

1. Thank God for the gift of life

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." Psalm 139:14 (ESV)

Creator God, we praise You that all human life is made in Your image, precious in Your sight. Please would you help us to speak up for the voiceless. Amen.

2. Remem­ber women who are vulnerable

"Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted … bring me out of my distresses…and forgive all my sins." Psalm 25:16-18 (ESV)

Father, please meet the emotional and practical needs of anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy with no real support. Thank You for individuals and centres who offer a listening ear to those with post-abortion concerns. Please open more doors for this healing ministry. Amen.

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Support, compassion and love are so important for women experiencing a crisis pregnancy

3. Lament the one mil­lion abor­ted lives

"My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven..." Psalm 139:15 (ESV)

Heavenly Father, we grieve for the innocent victims of a worldwide disregard for human life – over a million are aborted every month. We pray for change in countries around the world where there are high abortion rates. Amen.

4. Res­ist attempts to change the law to lib­er­al­ise abor­tion across the UK

"Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, hear and act!" Daniel 9:19 (ESV)

God of justice, please frustrate any plans to liberalise the law and grant strategic wisdom to pro-life politicians and others seeking to preserve important safeguards and protect the unborn. Amen.

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There is great pressure to make abortion laws even more permissive

5. Pray against the prac­tice of abor­tion because of dis­ab­il­ity or sex

"They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to false gods." Psalm 106:37 (NIV)

Creator God, please prevent abortions of gender or disability. Strengthen parents expecting a child diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. Amen.

6. Pray for all those involved in abortions

"You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book." Psalm 56:8 (NLT)

Lord, please speak truth to medical staff taking part in terminations; that they may comprehend Your sorrow and pain. Help women who are coerced into abortion against their will. Comfort those in distressing situations where a pregnancy must end, to save the mother. Amen.

7. Give thanks for every baby who is res­cued from being aborted

"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me…" Psalm 139:16 (ESV)

Lord, we give thanks for the many children who could have been aborted but were given the gift of life instead. Pray for God’s blessing on them and their parents as they grow. Amen.

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Life begins at conception so let's protect the most vulnerable and tell a better story

If you would like to order hard cop­ies of this Pray­er Resource, please con­tact us by email­ing mail@​care.​org.​uk or by call­ing 020 7233 0455.
