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New Scottish initiative puts significant pressure on Government to increase support for trafficking victims

Human Trafficking
20 June 2017
Trafficking and exploitation strategy 4

Scotland’s doubling of support for victims of trafficking puts significant pressure on Westminster to increase the support it currently gives to trafficking victims in England and Wales.

Scotland now offers 90 days in a safe house to human trafficking victims once they have been identified and rescued.

This move makes Scotland the leader in the UK in terms of providing initial support to victims of trafficking.

Scotland also looks to increase the funding it provides to tackle human trafficking; funding of almost £800,000 will be provided through support groups.

The announcement was made during a debate on Scotland’s new Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy - the Scottish Government’s blueprint for how they are going to work with partners to make Scotland a more hostile place for human trafficking.

There are an estimated 10,000-13,000 victims of human trafficking in the UK.

CARE’s Senior Policy Officer for Human Trafficking, Louise Gleich who gave evidence at a recent Parliamentary committee on supporting victims of trafficking:

“The Scottish government has listened to survivors and NGOs who have real expertise on what victims of human trafficking need to begin the process of healing.”

“In April, Parliament’s Work and Pensions Committee made clear recommendations that victims need much greater support beyond the initial 45 day period. It is now time for the Government to respond to those recommendations.”

“Scotland will be offering trafficking victims double the support than the rest of the UK offers. It’s vital that the Government acts to readdress the balance and increase the support for victims across England and Wales.”

“By extending minimum support levels to 90 days, Scotland will give victims greater protection than the rest of the UK where just 45 days support is guaranteed. CARE urges the new Government to consider the needs of victims in its programme for the coming parliament and act to ensure victims in England and Wales will also be given access to support for a longer period of time.”

“CARE’s end goal is that we want victims of human trafficking to be able to integrate into society and lead fulfilling lives, but this can only happen if we make it easy for them to get the support and help that they need.”


Notes to the editor:

For more information please contact Rachael Adams on 020 7227 4731 / 07851 153693 or

CARE is a leading charity that works with MPs, Peers, MSPs and MLAs to lobby for changes in legislation relating to human dignity. You can read about the success we’ve had and our latest work here.

CARE campaigns for better anti-trafficking policy and legislation with a particular focus on caring for victims and tackling the demand that sustains trafficking in the UK.

Click here for more information about CARE’s work on human trafficking.

You can read more about the Scottish Government’s Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy here.

You can find out more about the Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry on support for victims of modern slavery here.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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