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Leading Christian charity calls for ‘dangerous’ Named Person scheme to be scrapped

Marriage and Family
8 March 2016
Holyrood2 2 16

The Scottish Government must scrap the flawed Named Person scheme or at least redraft the law to bring it into line with international human right obligations according to CARE for Scotland.

The call comes as the UK Supreme Court today (Tuesday, March 8) begins consideration of the legal challenge being brought by CARE, the Christian Institute and others to the Named Person law.

Under Scottish Government’s plans, from August this year every child and young person in Scotland will have an appointed State guardian and private information about children will be stored on a national database.

It recently emerged that as part of the scheme, children will be made to fill in ‘creepy’ and ‘Orwellian’ questionnaires on whether their parents provide them with enough nurturing.

Headteachers, police chiefs, lawyers and family groups have all expressed alarm at the government’s plans and CARE for Scotland said it was high time the government accepted the need for a complete rethink.

CARE for Scotland Parliamentary Officer Dr Gordon Macdonald said:

“The Scottish Government’s named person scheme is very dangerous and will undermine parents and their role as the best guardians of their children.

“Simple logic dictates if you spread resources too thin, which this scheme will inevitably do, vulnerable children who are most in need of help may well be overlooked and put at risk.

“We have brought this case to the UK Supreme Court because it has the power to overrule the Scottish Government and also because we remain utterly convinced this scheme breaches international human rights laws and therefore needs to be scrapped or redrafted.

“There is a growing sense of alarm in Scotland at the plans. If introduced, the State would be assuming too prominent a role in the raising of young people.

“Many lawyers, teachers, parents and police chiefs are all completely unconvinced by the Scottish Government’s weak arguments in favour of this draconian plan.

“It is time the Scottish Government recognised the flaws and either withdrew the plans or at the very least, modified them significantly to ensure they meet human rights obligations.”


Notes to Editors:

For more information or interview requests please contact James Mildred on 07581153693 / 02072274731 or email

CARE for Scotland are part of the legal challenge along with the Christian Institute, TYMES Trust and the Family Education Trust.

CARE for Scotland have repeatedly spoken out against the Named Person plans:

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