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Free Church Moderator: SNP support for Sunday trading an ‘absolute disgrace’

Marriage and Family
1 March 2016
David Robertson 4

The Moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, Rev David Robertson has blasted the SNP over their apparent U-turn on Sunday trading.

Yesterday The Times suggested the SNP had done a deal with the Government and were now prepared to back down over their opposition to extended Sunday trading. Labour suggested this was because of “backroom deals” with the Chancellor.

Writing on his personal blog, the Wee Flea, Mr Robertson said that, as someone who voted SNP he was “Disappointed by their unprincipled stand on the issue.”

He expressed his initial disbelief that the SNP would do any kind of deal saying: “No, I said, the SNP would not stoop to that kind of horse-trading. But it turns out I may have been wrong.”

The Free Church Moderator went on to say that it would be “An absolute disgrace if the SNP, who claim to be a progressive party, were to support this attack on workers’ rights, as part of a back doors deal concerning the financial settlement in Scotland.”

With a key vote expected in a few weeks’ time, the Keep Sunday Special Campaign are urging people to contact their MP about the issue and ask them to show up at Report Stage of the Enterprise bill to vote for amendment number one, which would overturn government amendments that would liberlaise Sunday trading.

CARE Chief Executive Nola Leach said: “Before Christmas the SNP could not have been clearer in opposing Sunday trading extension plans. So the consistent thing for them to do is to remain opposed to the government's ill-conceived proposals."

The picture is taken from the WeeFlea's own blog

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