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Chancellor and PM ignore Church fears over Sunday trading

Marriage and Family
2 March 2016
Cameron and Osborne 0

The Chancellor and the Prime Minister have both dismissed fears expressed by leading church leaders from England and Wales over the impact of the government's Sunday trading proposals.

Last Sunday, in a joint letter to the Sunday Telegraph, Bishops from the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church strongly criticised the government's plans to extend Sunday trading across England and Wales.

But Osborne, speaking yesterday in the House of Commons, claimed other Christian nations had introduced all day Sunday shopping and said he could see no contradiction between Britain’s Christian heritage and extended Sunday trading.

He said “Of course, these arrangements exist in Scotland, in many European countries and in the United States. Many of those are countries with strong Christian faiths, so I do not think there is a contradiction there.”

Then at PMQ's today, Labour MP Bill Esterson called into question the motive behind the government's all day Sunday shopping plans. He told David Cameron that "The proposed changes to Sunday trading are causing great concern to many retailers, shop workers, to their families, to faith groups and to all who want to keep Sunday special, yet before the election the Prime Minister said he had no plans to change Sunday trading laws. When did he change his mind, or was it always his plan to scrap this great British compromise as soon as the election was safely out of the way?"

In reply, the Prime Minister claimed extended Sunday trading was "nothing to be scared of".

MPs are expected to vote on the government’s plans at Report Stage of the Enterprise Bill next week. The SNP appear to have abandoned their previous opposition to the plans, leading to accusations of ‘backroom deals’ with the Chancellor.

Image courtesy of Reuters

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