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1/3 of working mothers would rather be stay-at-home mums

Marriage and Family
4 March 2016
Premier Christian Radio 0

More than a third of working mothers would rather be at home to look after their children but feel they cannot afford to do so according to a new survey.

The survey, conducted for the Department for Education, examined the issues facing working families and nearly 6,200 parents were surveyed.

CARE said the figure was a further reminder of the need to do more to incentivise marriage in the tax system.

Speaking to Premier Christian Radio today, CARE spokesman James Mildred said: "Within the Christian community especially many parents do choose to stay at home, both mothers and fathers. That should be encouraged - we should be supporting them.

"There is a way the chancellor can do that in his Budget - he should expand the marriage tax break and send that really powerful message to stay-at-home parents, that they're going to be helped rather than stigmatised."

The tax break, which was announced in April 2014 after a long and sustained campaign by CARE on the issue, provides a tax break worth £212.

CARE however is calling for this tax break to be extended to a 100 per cent transferable allowance, which would carry far more significance and mean couples can benefit to the tune of £2,000 a year.

During the General Election campaign, the Prime Minister said he would like to see the marriage tax allowance expanded.

You can listen to the full interview here.

Image courtesy of Premier website

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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