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Sunday trading plans back on the agenda

Marriage and Family
3 February 2016
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The Government has reintroduced plans to extend Sunday trading across England and Wales, without publishing the results of its consultation.

Sajid Javid, the Business Secretary made the announcement while introducing the Second Reading of the Enterprise Bill in the House of Commons today.

The plans were first announced in the Chancellor’s summer budget in July 2015 and in August, the Department for Business Innovation and Skills announced a consultation.

Groups such as Christian Action Research and Education (CARE) and many others including the union USDAW who reported 91 per cent of members were opposed, raised serious concerns over the idea, especially in its relation to the negative impact it will have on family life.

In November last year the government had to suspend the plans after the SNP and up to 20 Conservative rebels threatened to embarrass the government if it came to a vote.

Now the Chief Executive of CARE has called on the government to publish the consultation results as soon as possible.

CARE CEO Nola Leach said:

“One could be forgiven for thinking the government has tried to sneak these plans back in on the same day everyone is talking about Europe, so they clearly know how unpopular they are.

“There is enough social strain being put on our nation as it is and the government is putting economic gain over family stability.

“These proposals also fail the Prime Minister’s family test because they will clearly have a negative impact on family life, reducing time off in common and requiring longer hours for many retail workers.

“Many small business groups are opposed to the idea, including the Federation of Small Businesses and a survey by USDAW showed how deeply unpopular these plans are with those directly affected.

“Why have the results of the consultation not been published? With a decision like this it is only fair and transparent to make sure the consultation results are fully published before re-announcing plans to push ahead.”


Notes to Editors:

For more information please contact James Mildred on 07581153693 / 02072274731 or email

The government abandoned plans to extend Sunday trading after the SNP threatened to vote against:

It also emerged 20 Conservative MPs were opposed:

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