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Blatant lack of transparency over Sunday trading plans

Marriage and Family
9 February 2016
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The government has been accused of putting spin above transparency as the government’s summary of responses to its consultation on Sunday trading proposals has been published today.

Finally revealed after a five month wait, the summary from the government is noticeably short on detail and fails to provide any information on the specific number who actually supported the proposals.

Despite 7,000 responses and a very blunt first question which asked “Should local areas have the power to extend trading hours on Sunday?” no figure is given to indicate the responses to this question.

In fact, the only concrete figure given is that 60 local authorities and local government organisations support the proposals which is a tiny fraction of the total responses.

The summary also mentions a figure of 76 per cent in favour, but this figure only covers local authorities, large and medium sized businesses and business representative organisations.

This also indicates 24 per cent, nearly a quarter of responses from large to medium businesses and local and local authorities are therefore opposed to the move, and it widely known that many small businesses, religious groups and individuals as well are opposed to the government’s plans.

Populus polling for the Association of Convenience Stories in September 2015 showed 67 per cent of people thought the existing Sunday trading laws should remain in place.

CARE Chief Executive Nola Leach said:

“There has been a total lack of transparency over these plans to expand Sunday trading and it is deeply disappointing that the government should handle such a critical policy in this manner.

“The government is proposing minimal scrutiny to these controversial plans and critically, the Enterprise Bill is already through the Lords, denying them a proper chance to examine these proposed changes.

“The government’s summary of consultation responses is short on detail but heavy on spin.

“At the end of the day, government depends on trust and if you hold a public consultation then people have a right for their views to be taken seriously but that has clearly not happened in this instance.

“Staggeringly, the consultation responses indicate 24 per cent of large businesses are against the plans and so are small businesses and vast swathes of civil society, yet the government seem content to ignore all this.

“The social fabric of our nation is under considerable strain as it is and these plans will have a direct impact on family life, failing the Prime Minister’s own Family Test and should therefore be abandoned.”


Notes to Editors:

For more information please contact James Mildred on 07581153693 / 02072274731 or email

The consultation was launched on August 5, 2015 and closed on September 16, 2015. CARE was one of a number of organisations who responded to the plans.

Read the government’s consultation response here:

CARE has already spoken out about the government’s Sunday trading plans:

Populus polling by the Association of Convenience Stores in September 2015 showed 67 per cent of people supported the existing Sunday trading regulations:

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