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Final hours before extremism consultation closes

Religious Liberty
11 January 2016
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The governments controversial Out-of-School Education Settings consultation closes today.

The consultation, the shortest currently being run by the Department of Education (DofE) will finish officially on Monday January 11.

The proposals under consideration could see Ofsted inspectors being sent into the heart of church life to make sure youth groups, bible studies and holiday camps are promoting the government’s definition of British values. According to campaigners a staggering number of other volountary organisations could also be inspected under the new powers. Any out of school setting that provides intensive education for under 19s for more than between 6-8 hours a week would have to join a nationwide register.

You can respond to the DofE's consultation online here - the consultation is the third from the end and is entitled Out-of-school education settings: registration and inspection.

You can also email your response to this email address:

Read more about CARE’s concerns in this article by our Chief Executive Nola Leach here.

The Christian Institute have helpfully provided a briefing on the issue here.

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