CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Sunday Trading update

Marriage and Family
9 November 2015
Family of 4 28329 2r

The Government is pursuing plans to devolve responsibility for Sunday trading to local authorities and mayors which could lead to large stores opening for longer hours on a Sunday.

For some, this is mainly a religious issue about working on the Sabbath or Lord's Day. While the theological understanding of a day of rest each week is of course to be respected, it is important to note at the heart of this whole issue is the impact expanded trading on a Sunday will have on families across the UK.The Government should be encouraging and supporting family life, rather than pursuing policies that fail its own ‘Family Test’. Time off in common is a vital principle for the whole of society yet this idea of parents and children sharing the same time together will be negatively impacted by government plans. As Nola has said repeatedly: "Family life must not be sacrificed on the altar of profit."

Watch this short video from CARE and contact your MP if you have not done so already by visiting the Keep Sunday Special website

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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