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Same-sex marriage fails to pass in Northern Ireland

Marriage and Family
2 November 2015
Wedding rings 2 0

A motion to legalise same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland has fallen after a majority of Unionists voted against the plans.

Although the final result showed 53 MLA’s in favour of the motion, with 52 against and one abstention, the petition of concern tabled by the DUP means same-sex marriage will not pass in Northern Ireland.

A petition of concern requires a majority of unionists and nationalists to back any proposed change. A large majority of unionists voted against the motion meaning the result carries a largely symbolic value.

Responding to the vote, CARE CEO Nola Leach said: “Although the result carries a largely symbolic value, this is still a very sad day for supporters of traditional marriage.

“The sustained pressure of repeated attempts to change the law in Northern Ireland clearly told in the outcome of this debate.

“The biblical teaching is clear that marriage is a life-long commitment between one man and one woman.

“Just because the rest of the United Kingdom has introduced same-sex marriage does not automatically mean we Northern Ireland should follow suit.

“With elections looming next May, more effort must be put in to affirm the mutual benefits of biblical marriage within the wider society.”

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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