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Prime Minister: Families are the best welfare state we have

Marriage and Family
25 November 2015
Family Life 2 n

The Prime Minister backed the importance of families in society saying they are “the best welfare state we have”.

He was responding to a question at PMQs today’s from Fiona Bruce, MP for Congleton who asked if the measures in the autumn statement would meet the Prime Minister’s own family test.

She said: “Can he confirm announcements made later today will pass his family test by providing security for family relationships and opportunities for vulnerable children?"

In response, David Cameron said: “She’s absolutely right, that families are the best welfare state that we have they bring up our children, they teach us the right values and they care for us when we are sick and unwell. We want to help families and the Chancellor will have something to say about later... all these policies should pass the test of helping Britain’s families.”

The family test was announced in August 2014 by the Prime Minister and was intended to be a safeguard to ensure all policies brought forward do not undermine family life.

During the Autumn Statement the Chancellor abandoned his plans to cut tax credit leaving many hard working families financially worse off in a move hailed by CARE as a ‘victory for families’.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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