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PM’s former advisor urges him to back marriage

Marriage and Family
21 May 2015
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The Prime Minister’s former advisor and close friend Steve Hilton has urged him to do more to back marriage as a central part of a healthy society.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Mr Hilton said that since the dawn of time, “every civilised, successful society has had marriage at its heart, since the family unit of two parents is undoubtedly the best structure for bringing up children”.

He commended the previous coalition government for introducing a marriage tax break, calling it an “important step” while acknowledging that it was “small” and “just £200 a year for each couple”.

In an interview at the end of March with the Daily Telegraph, David Cameron made it clear he wanted to expand the marriage tax allowance.

Leading Christian charity CARE has warmly welcomed Mr Hilton’s remarks and urged the Prime Minister to make expanding the marriage tax break a top priority.

CARE CEO Nola Leach said:

“I very much welcome this contribution to the debate about marriage and the crucial role it plays as part of a strong and healthy society and Mr Hilton is absolutely right to highlight the significant step of introducing a marriage tax break.

“For the last 15 years, CARE has campaigned for marriage to be officially re-recognised in our tax system and while we welcome the introduction of a marriage tax break, we want to see it expanded.

“Marriage plays an absolutely vital role in society and I believe it benefits not just one or two people, but the whole of society and the dumbing down of marriage as set out in Mr Hilton’s article over the last decades has led to disastrous consequences, with children especially suffering from family breakdown.

“The Prime Minister has been known to highly value Mr Hilton’s advice so I urge him to listen and make standing up for marriage a top priority for the up-coming July budget. The most obvious way of doing so would be to expand the marriage tax allowance so traditional families receive the support they need."

Notes to Editors:

For interview requests please contact CARE’s media officer James Mildred on 0207 227 4731 /

The article by Steve Hilton appeared in the Daily Mail today and can be read here

The Prime Minister said he wanted to see the marriage tax break expanded in an interview at the end of March in the Daily Telegraph – you can read it here.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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