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Scotland - There's Still Hope for Marriage!

Marriage and Family
27 July 2012
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Yesterday’s decision by the Scottish Government to press ahead with its plans to re-define marriage has been a great disappointment. The decision has been made despite that fact that the consultation responses clearly indicate that a majority of the Scottish people want to retain marriage as it is – a cherished social institution with clearly-defined public benefit. Instead, the Government’s proposals relegate the role of marriage to merely a private arrangement between two individuals.

In these circumstances one can understand the feelings of the writer of Psalm 74. His statement ‘A foolish nation has dishonoured your name’ (v18, NLV) is so meaningful on this day in Scotland. And yet despite his anger and frustration the psalmist is still able to admit that ‘You, O God, are my king from ages past, bringing salvation to the earth’ (v12, NLV). Please continue to pray for our nation and pray that our ‘king from ages past’ will be able through our prayers to bring salvation to Scotland.

It’s not the last word

However there is still a long way to go before the proposals might reach the statute book. There will be yet another consultation later this year on a draft bill – a further opportunity to underline the fact that the Scottish people are opposed to any re-definition of marriage.

For the Scottish Government the dilemma has been to make a decision on marriage re-definition which would not affect their support in the independence referendum. They are running a huge risk, as opinion polls commissioned by Scotland for Marriage suggest that five times as many people would be likely to vote against independence as would vote for it if marriage were to be re-defined by the SNP government.

Thank you!

CARE for Scotland is so grateful to all of our supporters who have actively participated in this campaign against marriage re-definition. If you distributed leaflets, responded to the consultation, wrote to your MSPs or attended meetings – thank you so much. Your support and encouragement are greatly valued.

If there is still to be hope for marriage in Scotland we will be asking you to be further involved – responding to the consultation on the bill, and continuing to write to and visit your MSPs. We’ll aim to provide you with all the information and resources you need to do this.

The campaign continues. And it continues not only to defend the value and uniqueness of marriage but also to protect teachers, parents, public employees, foster carers, and others who could be penalised for their beliefs about marriage.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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