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Decision on Redefinition of Marriage Imminent

Marriage and Family
28 June 2012
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One last chance to make your views known

We believe that the Cabinet of the Scottish Government will make a decision at their meeting on 10th July about whether or not to proceed with marriage re-definition.

So, for the next 10 days we have a vital window of opportunity to send a blitz of e-mails to all Cabinet members.

If you live in a constituency of a Cabinet member (see picture right and list below) and have not yet contacted him or her about marriage re-definition, please send an e-mail now saying you believe that marriage should remain as a union of one man and one woman.

Aberdeenshire East Alex Salmond
Argyll & Bute Mike Russell
Airdrie & Shotts Alex Neil
Edinburgh Eastern Kenny McAskill
Glasgow Southside Nicola Sturgeon
Linlithgow Fiona Hyslop
Moray Richard Lochead
Perthshire North John Swinney
Stirling Bruce Crawford

Click on a name to open up an e-mail to them.

If you’re not sure whether you do live in one of these constituencies go to the Scottish Parliament web site and enter your post code.


Thank you for your cooperation.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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