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Marriage Debated in the House of Lords during Marriage Week

Marriage and Family
11 February 2011
Ho L 7

CARE research quoted extensively

The Bishop of Chester secured a debate on Marriage, which was held on Thursday this week. He highlighted the importance of marriage to society and urged for more support and funding to be given to marriage support. CARE’s research was mentioned a number of times during the debate and overall many peers were interested in contributing and speaking in support of marriage. A number of peers reminded the government of its commitment to recognize marriage in tax system, which can be found on page 30 of the Coalition Agreement. This is something for which CARE has been vigorously campaigning.

Towards the conclusion of the Bishop of Chester’s speech, he reminded the House of the commitment to marriage made by the Prime Minister who said during Prime Ministers Questions:

“I am an unashamed supporter of families and marriage, and I simply do not understand why, when so many other European countries … recognise marriage in the tax system, we do not.”

The Bishop then highlighted CARE’s research:

“Apart from the UK, only 18 per cent of OECD citizens live in states that do not recognise marriage in their tax system. Most of that 18 per cent live in Mexico and Turkey. In 2008-09, a single-earner married couple with two children and on the average wage bore a tax burden which was a third greater than the OECD average. The comparative figures for 2009-10 will show a further deterioration. … I pay tribute to the work of the charity CARE in sponsoring the associated research and to the wider role which it plays in support of marriage and human flourishing. I declare an interest as an active supporter.”

Peers also expressed concerns about the failure to make any reference to marriage in the new round of relationship support funding. This is a further point for which CARE has vigorously been campaigning.

Many excellent speeches where made. One such speech was made by the Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, in which he said: “If the Jewish experience has anything to say to Britain today, it is to recognise marriage, not just cohabitation, as in the best interests of the child. Do so in the tax system, do so in the educational system, do so in relationship support.”

The Minister responding on behalf of the government Lord Hill welcomed the debate and made positive comments, promising that the government would push things forward in favour of marriage.

You can watch the debate on the Parliamentary website here. Alternatively, you can read the whole debate in Hansard here. For another report, go to the BBCs Democracy Live page here.

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Marriage and Family

Strong families are foundational to a healthy society. Marriages too are vital, representing the gold standard of commitment. CARE is committed to upholding both.

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