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Invite your MP to the Westminster Hall Modern Slavery Debate

Human Trafficking
28 September 2018
Westminster istock Large5 B15 D 6

On 9 October MPs are set to debate modern slavery in a Westminster Hall debate, the first opportunity MPs have had for a parliamentary debate on the proposals for reform of modern slavery victim support announced by the Government last year.

Currently people receive support while the authorities are deciding whether or not there is evidence they have been a victim of trafficking, but when that is confirmed victims only receive 14 more days of support. Evidence has shown this has led to modern slavery victims being left homeless, destitute and re-trafficked

When a person escapes from modern slavery, they need help and most of all, they need security and stability as they face the uncertainties of the future. The Government has said it will increase the 14 more days of support to 45 days, but this is not long enough for victims to get access to all the forms of support that they need to begin living an independent life.

The Solution – the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill

The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill has completed its passage in the House of Lords and is now in the Commons. It has the power to protect victims of trafficking from further exploitation and offer them the support they need to rebuild their lives. It does this by guaranteeing victims of modern slavery 12 months of statutory support as well as the right to remain in the UK during that time.

The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill has wide support across society – 24 leading anti-trafficking businesses and charities recently signed a letter in the Guardian calling on the Government to support the Bill.

Less parliamentary time is given over to Private Members’ bills, therefore unless the Government decides to give more time to The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill, progress on the bill could stall.

This debate presents the perfect opportunity for MPs to challenge the Government to grant the bill more time.

If you live in England and Wales please would you email your MP and ask them to come to the debate to back the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill. It takes just two minutes.

How to do this:

Go to

Enter your postcode and a letter will be generated to your MP

Hit send.

(don't worry if you've previously emailed your MP through the Free for Good website, we've put in a new letter about the debate)

Doing this would send a clear message to your MP that the public support the need for new laws to protect modern slavery victims. It is a way for us to stand up and take action on behalf of the thousands trapped in modern slavery in the UK, to be a voice for the vulnerable.

Reducing modern slavery has to start with putting the victims first.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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