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PM announces new support for victims of modern slavery in Nigeria

Human Trafficking
30 August 2018
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Whilst in Nigeria this week the Prime Minister announced that the UK Government will provide support for victims of modern slavery in Nigeria.

Counselling and vocational support

The initiative will provide support to help up to 1,700 migrants and victims of modern slavery victims who return to Nigeria from Libya. It will provide counselling to help them deal with the trauma of their experience and will also offer training in business and vocational skills so they are better able to find jobs and reintegrate into their communities. The project will be delivered in partnership with the International Organisation of Migration (IOM).

Nigeria is fifth on the list of the most common countries of origin for victims of modern slavery in the UK. Most of these are tricked into coming to the UK, some via routes through Libya and across the Mediterranean. Those who reach the UK find themselves exploited for domestic work, forced labour and sexual exploited in prostitution which can leave them physically and mentally broken.

Risks of re-trafficking

Data from the IOM has shown that victims returning to their home country often find themselves in similar social and economic conditions which made them vulnerable to trafficking in the first place and that victims are frequently re-trafficked within two years or less of escaping their original exploitation.

CARE welcomes the Government’s continued efforts to combat human trafficking and the support announced this week will no doubt help many victims recover and rebuild their lives and protect them from being re-trafficked.

However, we are concerned that the support appears to be focussed only on victims returning to Nigeria from Libya and will not provide similar support for victims who return to Nigeria having been exploited in the UK.

Victims missing out

We believe that the UK has a particular responsibility to support those victims who have been exploited in the UK. This should include offering adequate support whilst the victim is in the UK to help them begin a process of recovery that will enable them to make safe choices and build an independent life when they return home. It also means conducting proper risk assessments before a victim is required to return home and helping to connect them with support that is available in their home country.

This is why we support Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill because it offers all victims with 12 months of support in the UK to begin to put the building blocks of a new life in place after the pressure and stress of the official process that decides whether or not they are believed to be a victim is over with. The Bill also requires that victims be offered support to return home including a full risk assessment.

Since she became Prime Minister Theresa May has sought to lead the way in efforts to tackle trafficking and exploitation around the world. This new announcement is a positive step but there is much more to be done to support victims around the world and also here in the UK. One simple step would be to bring Lord McColl’s Bill into law.

Find out more

Follow these links to email your MP or contact the Prime Minister about Lord McColl’s Bill

Read: Lord McColl calls for action to support victims at home and abroad

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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