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Estimate of UK modern slavery victims rises to 136,000

Human Trafficking
20 July 2018
Modern slavery trapped 0

The Global Slavery Index Report was published this week by the Walk Free Foundation, using a complex methodology to track the scale of modern slavery across the world and to recommend practices that governments and businesses can take to reduce slavery.

Modern slavery affects every country in the world. The report reinforces that modern slavery is a global issue, one that crosses borders and therefore there is a need for governments to work together to tackle it.

Report Highlights

  • 40.3 million people were living in modern slavery in 2016, about seventy per cent of whom were women and girls
  • Number of modern slavery victims estimated 'hidden' in UK rises tenfold to 136,000
  • Many of the countries with the highest prevalence of modern slavery are marked by conflict
  • The three countries with the highest prevalence – North Korea, Eritrea and Burundi – stand out as having a very high prevalence of state-imposed forced labour
  • Governments and businesses need to address modern slavery in their supply chains.

The prevalence of modern slavery in highly developed, high income countries is higher than previously understood

The report suggests that the higher levels of modern slavery in these countries could be attributed to critical gaps in the implementation of existing legislation and policies and in tackling the root causes of exploitation.

Access to support is highlighted as a necessity

The report shows that across many countries critical gaps in services remain. Certain groups of victims are not being identified and even when they are identified as a victim of modern slavery, they are not able to access support and other services.

There is an urgent need for governments to make sure that all victims can access services, support and justice, regardless of their migration status.

Laws must be reviewed if they fail at identifying victims of modern slavery

Governments are being urged to close the gap between the estimated size of modern slavery and the much smaller number of victims that are detected and assisted. The report recommends implementing laws to identify victims and if current laws are not working, to look into why so that these barriers can be overcome.

Louise Gleich, Senior Policy Officer – Human Trafficking

“This report shows how widespread the crime of modern slavery is across the world.

“The Home Affairs Select Committee has recently announced an inquiry into the effectiveness of laws and policies on modern slavery in England and Wales. We welcome this opportunity for Parliament to look closely at the effectiveness of our laws in addressing this crime and especially in supporting victims.

“There are significant parts of the Modern Slavery Act relating to victim support that have yet to be implemented. The Government must do this as a priority.”

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Human Trafficking

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