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Bill to increase support for trafficking victims passes the House of Lords

Human Trafficking
10 May 2018
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Lord McColl’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill passed its final stage in the House of Lords (“Third Reading”) today without amendment. The Bill will now proceed to the House of Commons.

The Bill puts into law victims’ entitlement to support for the first time in England and Wales, bringing the law into line with provision in Scotland and Northern Ireland. It will also offer all victims a new 12 month rehabilitation period after the current support ends. Reports from charities and from the Work and Pensions Select Committee have found that many victims find themselves homeless and destitute at the end of the process that determines if they are accepted by the state as a victim (the “National Referral Mechanism”). This puts them at risk of re-trafficking.

The Bill will now go to the House of Commons sponsored by Rt. Hon Frank Field MP.

The Free for Good campaign, which CARE is part of, has welcomed the Bill’s passage and called on the Government to give its support to the Bill.

A Free for Good Spokesperson said

“Modern slavery is a crime that feeds on people’s vulnerability. Instead of making people less vulnerable, the current system offers only short-term respite leaving many victims vulnerable at the end of the process, fuelling a cycle of re-trafficking. This is why we back the Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill, because supporting victims over a longer period is key to breaking the cycle of vulnerability that underpins modern slavery.”

“This Bill gives new Home Secretary Sajid Javid an opportunity to start a new phase in the Government’s anti-slavery strategy. The Government must put victims at the heart of Government policy on modern slavery to break the cycle of vulnerability that feeds exploitation. We hope the Government will commit to supporting this vital piece of legislation.”

CARE’s Nola Leach said

“Reducing modern slavery has to start with putting the needs of victims first. Conviction rates will remain low and perpetrators will be free to continue to carry out this crime with near impunity unless we give victims the support they need to escape a cycle of exploitation and help the police bring the traffickers to justice.”

You can read the Free for Good press release here

Click here to read a recent article about the Bill from Lord McColl

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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