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Government Rejects MPs Call for 12 Months Support for Victims of Trafficking

Human Trafficking
18 December 2017
House of Commons Committee 2i6

In April, MPs on the Work and Pensions Select Committee published a report calling on the Government to do more to help victims of trafficking over a longer period of time. Today the Government response to the report has been published.

Disappointingly the Government has not agreed with many of the Committee’s recommendations and has specifically not agreed to introduce the recommended 12 months support and residence permission to enable victims to recover and begin to rebuild their lives following the initial reflection and recovery period. The Government says that it believes that having a blanket policy of granting discretionary leave to all victims risks incentivising individuals to make false trafficking claims in an attempt to fraudulently obtain leave to remain or delay removal.”

However, CARE believes this argument is deeply flawed. The support recommended by the Committee, and proposed by Lord McColl of Dulwich’s Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill, will only be available to genuine victims as determined by the official National Referral Mechanism (NRM).

As an alternative the Government response highlights the proposal announced in October to give victims an additional 45 days support after the initial reflection and recovery period. It also refers to work to increase training and awareness for Job Centre Plus staff who may encounter victims of trafficking.

These are both positive steps but neither of these proposals nor today’s response adequately address the risks of homelessness, destitution and re-trafficking caused by the lack of support available for many victims following an NRM decision that they have been trafficked.

Reacting to the Government’s response Rt Hon Frank Field MP, Chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, who will sponsor Lord McColl’s Bill when it reaches the House of Commons said:

"This response bears none of the compassion for victims of this most heinous crime that has characterised the Prime Minister's years of principled leadership on modern slavery.

The Government should be brave enough to stand up for the victims of modern slavery, people made so vulnerable by such evil behaviour. I am taking up the Prime Minister's offer of a meeting to discuss the Committee's concerns."

CARE continues to support Lord McColl’s Bill, currently awaiting Committee Stage in the House of Lords and we urge the Government to reconsider its proposals.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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