CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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CARE Concerned by Huge Numbers of Trafficked Children Missing From Care Homes

Human Trafficking
16 October 2017
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Last week The Times uncovered the scandal that hundreds of child trafficking victims have slipped through the net and are missing with many of them presumed to have fallen back into the grips of their traffickers. CARE has spoken out regularly about the need to make sure that special provisions are put in place to help trafficked children within the UK, especially on the need to make sure every child victim of trafficking has an independent trafficking advocate.

CARE's comments were picked up on Premier News, you can read the story in full here: Christian charities concerned after children rescued from traffickers become victims again.

Our full comments from our CEO are available for you to read below:

CARE's Chief Executive Nola Leach

"Child trafficking victims are one of the most vulnerable groups in society. Reports of so many going missing once entering care raise concerns about a serious neglect of the special needs of these children. The current system is simply inadequate."

"Once a child is rescued from exploitation it is a complete failing of the state if they then end up missing from care, and at worst end up back in the hands of their traffickers"

"We must urgently review just how police, social workers and foster carers work together to ensure that child trafficking victims are protected and kept safe"

"The government must roll out, with haste, independent child trafficking advocates across the country"

"The advocates not only provide specialist support, clarity and continuity for the child but would provide an extra layer of safeguarding for them, helping prevent them from going missing"

"The government has been too slow in implementing the provisions relating to Child Trafficking Advocates which are part of the 2015 Modern Slavery Act. "

"Government trials of child trafficking advocates were been overwhelmingly positive. The advocates played a vital role in highlighting potential risks, pushing local authorities to provide safer accommodation and tracing children who have gone missing. We must spread this support beyond the current three sites to children across all of England and Wales."

For the latest news and work we've been doing on the issue of human trafficking do sign up to #Loosethechains.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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