CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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CARE speaks to Christian Today urging next government to increase support for victims of human trafficking

Human Trafficking
2 May 2017
Christian today 5 2i

CARE's Senior Policy Officer Louise Gleich was quoted on Christian Today, urging the next government to make increasing support for victims of human trafficking a priority.

'The special circumstances of human trafficking victims need to be recognised in the system and allowances made; all frontline staff at council offices and job centres need to be trained in how to respond to the needs of human trafficking victims and support them through the complexity of the benefits process.'

CARE's end goal is that we want victims of human trafficking to be able to integrate into society and lead fulfilling lives, but this can only happen if we make it easy for victims to get the support and help that they need.'

To read the article in full please click here.

To read more about the evidence CARE gave to the Department of Work and Pensions this year to highlight ways in which the government could more effectively support victims click here.

CARE will continue to campaign for better anti-trafficking policy and legislation with particular focus on caring for victims and tackling the demand that sustains trafficking in the UK. Below is a recent interview that our UK Director, Gareth Davies gave to UCB about increasing support for victims of human trafficking.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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