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CARE staff conquer Three Peaks Challenge

Human Trafficking
16 June 2016
Ben Nevis summit 0

Members of the CARE team have completed the daunting challenge of climbing the three highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales in just over 24 hours.

Cameron Dobbie, Ashley Boudville, Christine Vinod and Ben Daniel were raising money for CARE’s work against human trafficking.

After a period of intense training, the team began its effort at the foot of Ben Nevis at 5PM on Thursday, June 9. Ben Nevis is the highest peak in the UK at a whopping 1,334 metres above sea level. Undaunted by the snow at the very top, the team reached the summit in an impressive three hours and were rewarded with stunning views over the Scottish Highlands. One member of the team was said to have been so moved by the view, he needed tissues to compose himself.

When they arrived back at the bottom, another colleague, Tim Houston from the CARE in Northern Ireland team then drove through the night, without breaking speed limit laws, to ensure they got to the second peak in time. Everyone agreed, Tim’s efforts as driver were just as impressive as the actual climbing.

Up next was Scafell Pike in the Lake District, England’s highest peak. By this point, the time was 4:20AM and having had no sleep at all during the windy and bouncy drive, the team faced a 978 metre climb to reach peak number two.

Battling exhaustion and mental fatigue the four amigos were nevertheless determined to keep up the pace. Matters were further complicated when a wrong-turn meant 45 minutes of desperate scrambling over jagged rocks to get back on track. Despite these difficulties, by 8:20AM on Friday the gang of four had scaled and then descended the peak. With two down, there was only one to go.

Tim drove through the day this time, zigzagging round English country roads and flying along the motorway, at the legal speed, before crossing the Welsh border and entering Snowdonia. Arriving at the daunting Mount Snowdon at 1:10PM, the team faced a peak that is a staggering 1,085 metres high.

By now, the intrepid mountaineers were running low on energy, but sheer persistence and Ashley’s lively video blogs kept them motivated. They reached the top before making their way back down to the foot of the peak, finishing finally at 6:15PM. In just a little over 24 hours, Ashley, Ben, Cameron and Christine had conquered the three imposing summits.

Thanks to this determined and remarkable effort, the team raised more than £2,000 for CARE’s work combating human trafficking.

CARE’s Chief Executive Nola Leach said: “We salute the astonishing effort put in by our colleagues and are so thankful for people’s generosity of spirit as well. To climb three daunting peaks in just over 24 hours is a truly brilliant achievement. The money raised will help CARE continue to stand up for victims of human trafficking.”

The fundraising page is still live and so you can still keep giving. Click on this link and follow the instructions found there:

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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