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Traffickers are exploiting refugee crisis in Europe says new report

Human Trafficking
20 May 2016
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A new report from the European Commission has warned that there is strong evidence of criminal networks taking advantage of the current refugee crisis in Europe to target and exploit the most vulnerable people – especially women and children.

According to the report there has been a particular increase in the number of Nigerian women and girls travelling via Libya, of whom 80% have been identified as likely to be victims of trafficking. Rates of child trafficking are also increasing.

The report also notes that sexual exploitation continues to be the most common form of trafficking affecting 67% of all identified victims, although there are increased reports of trafficking for labour exploitation.

Regarding sexual exploitation, the Commission highlights reflections from the EU policing agency, Europol that “in countries where prostitution is legal and regulated, it is possible that sex work is affected by the demand for cheap labour” and in those countries “it is much easier for traffickers who wish to use a legal environment in order to exploit their victims”. CARE continues to call for adoption of a law targeted at buyers of sexual services to reduce demand for prostitution which fuels trafficking.

The EU Commission report assesses the progress of EU Member States in combatting human trafficking following the introduction of the Anti-Trafficking Directive in 2011. While the report notes that most countries have implemented the Directive, progress towards its three aims of prosecution, protection and prevention has been slow.

According to the Commission the levels of prosecution and successful conviction for trafficking in the EU “remains worryingly low, especially when compared to the number of victims identified”. Ensuring victims have access to unconditional support and assistance is also challenging for many countries – especially since many victims still go un-identified.

CARE notes with interest that the Commission highlights that “procedures for finding durable solutions [for child victims] are inadequate. Problems persist with the appointment of guardians for child victims”. We continue to urge the Government to roll out the independent child trafficking advocate scheme to support all trafficked children in the UK following trials last year.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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