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MSPs pass landmark human trafficking laws

Human Trafficking
1 October 2015
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MSPs today voted through the Scottish Government’s landmark Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill providing tough new sentences for perpetrators and support for victims.

Leading anti-trafficking charity CARE for Scotland hailed the result as a major step forward in the fight against modern day slavery.

It means Scotland joins all the other parts of the United Kingdom in introducing dedicated anti-trafficking laws for the first time in centuries.

However the charity said the failure to ban paying for sex in the legislation was a glaring one and it urged the Scottish Government to introduce new legislation to criminalise demand at the earliest opportunity.

CARE for Scotland Parliamentary Officer Dr Gordon Macdonald said:

“This landmark piece of legislation will help combat the vile trade that is modern day human trafficking.

“The Scottish Government should be commended for their willingness to listen to concerns raised by CARE for Scotland and others.

“While we acknowledge the general excellence of the legislation, the failure to tackle demand for paid sex is an obvious and glaring one.

“There is no doubt demand for paid sex is one of the main drivers behind human trafficking and so the Scottish Government should give serious consideration to introducing new legislation to facilitate this at the earliest opportunity.

“Now Scotland has joined the rest of the UK in implementing anti-slavery laws, the work must begin in ensuring they are effectively implemented.”

Notes to Editors:

For more information and interview requests please contact James Mildred on 0207 227 4731 / 07581153693 or email:

CARE for Scotland is a leading anti-trafficking charity and previously welcomed the Scottish Government’s Human Trafficking legislation:

At Committee Stage, CARE for Scotland called for improvements to the bill:

The charity has previously said Northern Ireland provides a template for good trafficking laws:

CARE for Scotland backs calls to criminalise the purchase of sex, a measure adopted in Northern Ireland, Canada, Sweden and Norway:

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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