CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Improvements to Scottish Trafficking Bill during final debate

Human Trafficking
2 October 2015
Holyrood2 1 3

The Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill passed its final stage in the Scottish Parliament on 1 October.

In the course of the debate significant improvements were made to the Bill in particular in relation to the protection of children.

Amendments to the criminal offences proposed by the Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson will improve the effectiveness of the legislation in prosecuting cases involving child victims.

A further amendment from the Cabinet Secretary ensures that instructions for prosecutors will contain a strong presumption against prosecuting children for crimes they have committed as a result of being exploited.

MSPs also agreed an amendment which widens the provision of specialist child trafficking guardians to children vulnerable to becoming victims as well as those already identified. This amendment was proposed by Christina McKelvie MSP the co-convenor of the Scottish Parliament’s cross-party group on human trafficking and supported by the Scottish Government.

All these amendments respond to concerns that CARE has been raising in an online petition with our partners ECPAT UK and Walk Free delivered that afternoon and we are delighted that the Scottish Government and MSPs have acted so positively to protect trafficked children.

During the debate Christina McKelvie referred to our campaign saying:

“At lunch time, Jenny Marra and I were happy to go out and collect a petition from ECPAT UK, Walk Free and Christian Action Research and Education. At that point, the petition had more than 6,000 signatures, which demonstrates clearly that people right across the UK support the aims of the bill, especially when it comes to protecting children. I hope that the cabinet secretary will accept my copy of the petition at the end of the debate on behalf of those groups.”

Jenny Marra also praised the campaign and the wider engagement of Scottish churches with the Bill’s progress saying:

“For their mobilisation of the public interest, I must put on record my thanks to ECPAT UK, CARE for Scotland, the walk free movement and, in particular, the Scottish churches. Campaign organisations should look to them as examples of excellence in public campaigning.”

Sadly other amendments tabled by Jenny Marra and supported by CARE which would have improved the levels of support for adult victims of trafficking did not gain the support of the Scottish Government and were voted down by MSPs.

Neither was Rhoda Grant MSP successful with an amendment relating to research commissioned by the Scottish Government into the issue of criminalising paying for sexual services. However, the Cabinet Secretary did give further details of the research and CARE continues to call on the Scottish Government to take action to address demand for prostitution.

Once the Bill receives Royal Assent all parts of the UK will have new and dedicated laws on human trafficking and exploitation. Now the real work begins to implement them in full. The attention of politicians quickly moves from issue to issue, but human trafficking and exploitation must remain high on the agenda in the years to come.

You can read more about our response to the passage of the Bill in our press release.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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