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CARE hails historic moment in fight against modern slavery

Human Trafficking
2 October 2015
PA Trafficking 0 2a

Scotland has joined the rest of the United Kingdom in introducing dedicated anti-trafficking laws in a vote described as ‘historic’ by leading Christian charity CARE.

MSPs voted for the Scottish Government’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill yesterday evening and once the bill receives Royal Assent, Scotland will officially join the other home nations in having introduced dedicated trafficking laws for the first time in centuries.

CARE was one of the first Christian charities to start campaigning on this issue and since 2006 has been at the forefront on advocating for better support for victims and specialist support especially for child victims.

In January this year, Lord Morrow’s ground-breaking human trafficking act was passed in Stormont and then in March, the Westminster Government’s Modern Slavery legislation was passed into law and with MSPs approving new trafficking laws just yesterday all parts of the UK, in the space of just one year, have now introduced dedicated anti-slavery laws for the first time in nearly 200 years.

CARE’s CEO Nola Leach said the vote in Holyrood is a major moment in the historic struggle against slavery and that Christians had played a key part in standing against the scourge of modern slavery.

CARE CEO Nola Leach said:

“It really is amazing that in the last year all parts of the United Kingdom have introduced dedicated pieces of legislation to tackle the modern day tragedy that is human trafficking.

“This trade violates the fundamental dignity of human beings as made in the image of God but now, thanks to the various Acts across the United Kingdom vulnerable victims of trafficking will receive support, assistance and above all a voice.

“CARE has been privileged to work closely with parliamentarians across all parts of the UK to ensure each of the various anti-trafficking Acts passed were robust, comprehensive and victim focused.

“Today marks a great step forward in the fight against modern slavery across the whole of the United Kingdom and with our country’s rich heritage of combating slavery it is fitting we should be taking the lead in this way again.

“It has been encouraging to see Christians across the UK take their stand against human trafficking and it has been CARE’s privilege to serve the church in helping draw attention to this issue.

“Our work goes on, however to ensure effective implementation of the laws to make sure victims receive the support they need and deserve and perpetrators are brought to justice.”

Notes to Editors:

For more information and interview requests please contact James Mildred on 0207 227 4731 / 07581 153693 or email

In January Lord Morrow’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland) 2015 received Royal Assent:

In March the Modern Slavery Act 2015 was passed by parliament:

MSPs voted through the Scottish Government’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill recently:

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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