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6,000 strong Child Trafficking petition handed to MSPs today

Human Trafficking
1 October 2015
Gordon ECPAT UK petition 0

More than 6,000 people signed a petition set up and supported by CARE for Scotland, ECPAT-UK and Walkfree, three anti-trafficking charities who want to improve support for child victims of trafficking.

CARE for Scotland Policy Officer Gordon Macdonald and Head of Advocacy, Policy and Campaigns at ECPAT-UK Chloe Setter are pictured with Labour MSP Jenny Marra who has been a passionate advocate for victims of human trafficking and the SNP MSP Christina McKelvie who is the Co-Convenor of the Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Human Trafficking.

The petition calls on the Scottish Government to provide vital support for child victims of trafficking through the Government’s Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill. Specifically, the petition asks the Government to provide independent child trafficking guardians to ensure child victims have a voice, make sure children are not prosecuted for crimes they are forced to commit and update the offence of slavery and forced labour to help clamp down on abusers who might try and exploit the vulnerability of children.

MSPs are expected to vote the new human trafficking laws through later today. When they do, all four parts of the United Kingdom will have introduced dedicated anti-slavery laws in the space of just one year.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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