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UN marks 2nd World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Human Trafficking
29 July 2015
World TIP Day Illustration EN 5

On 30 July all over the world people are marking the UN’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons sending a message of hope to the millions of victims exploited for profit.

The Global Slavery Index 2014 has estimated that there are 35.8 million people in modern day slavery around the world. The UN reports that virtually every country in the world is affected by trafficking. A Home Office figure published last year estimates there are 10,000-13,000 victims here in the UK.

2015 has seen the start of a new era with the passing of the Modern Slavery Act and the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Criminal Justice and Support for Victims) Act (Northern Ireland), and we expect the Human Trafficking and Exploitation (Scotland) Bill to become law in the next few months.

These new laws have focused attention on this issue and give us useful tools to help act against trafficking. But legislation means nothing unless it is implemented. It will be the practical action of many people in the police, in healthcare and education, in local councils, in businesses and community groups and churches the laws that will give victims the protection and the hope for the future that they need. There is still much room for improvement in the care and support the Government provide to survivors, and we need to take steps to help prevent exploitation from happening in the first place.

We can all play our part. Why not take a look at our Ideas for Action for some creative things to do. You can explore the issue further with some of these other resources including video clips and personal stories. And what better way to start than joining with millions around the world taking part in the UN’s #igivehope campaign on Thursday 30 July. Simply sign up for the social media thunderclap, or post a picture of hands making a heart on social media with the tag #igivehope.

Visit to learn more about the #igivehope campaign, and remember to tag us on Twitter @loosethechains!

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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