CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Crucial new anti-slavery powers come into force

Human Trafficking
31 July 2015
Loosing the chains 2 1a

Key parts of the UK government’s landmark modern slavery legislation come into force across England and Wales today meaning offenders will face much tougher sentences when caught.

The Modern Slavery Act, given Royal Assent by the Queen in March this year, is the first dedicated piece of anti-slavery legislation across England and Wales for nearly 200 years.

Under the Act, the maximum custodial sentence for offenders rises from 14 years to life imprisonment.

Reparation orders also come into force to encourage courts to seize assets from perpetrators to help compensate victims.

Victims are also afforded stronger protection from prosecution for crimes committed when trapped in slavery and will now have access to civil legal aid.

Leading Christian charity CARE campaigned heavily for anti-slavery legislation for a number of years and the charity’s spokesman has welcomed today as a significant moment in the fight against modern slavery.

CARE spokesman James Mildred said:

“This is a day of huge significance in the fight against modern slavery.

“The legacy of Wilberforce thankfully still lingers across our nation, but his stand against slavery was made hundreds of years ago.

“Today, this generation has taken a step in combating the scourge of 21st century slavery.

“Thousands of exploited people are trapped in slavery in the UK according to Home Office estimates and their plight could not be ignored which is why CARE championed the need for dedicated anti-slavery legislation and worked closely with other charities to encourage the government to take action.

“Thanks to the landmark Modern Slavery Act, action is now being taken to empower victims and bring offenders to justice.”


Notes to Editors:

More information on the story can be found here:

For interview requests please contact CARE’s press office on 0207 227 4731 /

Northern Ireland already has comprehensive anti-trafficking laws on its statute book, while the Scottish Parliament is actively considering anti-slavery legislation for Scotland.

CARE campaigned for anti-slavery legislation across England and Wales and worked hard to see improvements to the UK government’s modern slavery legislation.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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