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Prostitution - We don’t buy it!

Human Trafficking
22 April 2015
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Today, Dublin saw the launch of the first all-island campaign asking men and boys in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland to take a stand against prostitution and human trafficking.

The Prostitution – We don’t buy it campaign forms part of the REACH project, an all-island initiative to raise awareness of trafficking and develop training for support workers which has been part funded by the EU and involves the Ministries of Justice, police, and NGOs from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The campaign launch included moving contributions from Rachel Moran of SPACE International and Tom Meagher of the Men's Development Network, who carefully and clearly outlined the links between human trafficking for sexual exploitation and prostitution and that to tackle trafficking we need to reduce demand for prostitution.

Sarah Benson, CEO of campaign partner Ruhama said “This strand of the REACH Project builds on the recognition that most Irish men never have and never will purchase sex. “It is asking them – the majority - to make a stand against a trade that exploits women and girls, and which results in profits for criminal gangs.”

Attending the launch, CARE in Northern Ireland’s Mark Baillie said “The REACH campaign aimed at reducing demand for paid sex amongst men and boys is a powerful example of effective cross border action in Ireland. Men and boys across the island of Ireland need to take a stand against the purchase of sexual services. It was excellent to see both Justice Ministers from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland showing their support for the campaign and clearly stating "prostitution: we don't buy it".

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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