CARE: Christian Action, Research and Education

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Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner strengthened

Human Trafficking
24 February 2015
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Changes made to the Modern Slavery Bill yesterday mean a stronger role for the new Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.

Following a high level of criticism by charities such as CARE, Peers and MPs the Government has now introduced changes to the Modern Slavery Bill which ensure that the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner will have the power to appoint his own staff and give him greater financial independence from the Home Office. CARE has been calling for the Commissioner’s independence to be strengthened so that he can have the freedom to provide critical reflection on the actions of both Government and frontline agencies in addressing modern day slavery. We are pleased that the Government has responded to this concern. A Commissioner with a strong independent voice will help ensure that all possible steps are taken to improve our response to trafficking – catching more criminals and providing better care for victims.

The role of the Commissioner in relation to victims was also addressed by yesterday’s amendments. CARE has also been calling on the Government to extend the role of the Commissioner beyond the initial focus on improving law enforcement and victim identification, something rejected by the Government in the House of Commons. We are therefore very pleased that the Government has changed its position and brought in amendments enabling the Commissioner to consider the care and support provided to victims as part of his role. We would have liked to see the Commissioner also have a role in monitoring compliance with international treaties, but are delighted that the Commissioner will be able to act to improve the care provided to victims.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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