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Lord Morrow’s Bill sends out a clear message that trafficking will not be tolerated, says barrister

Human Trafficking
5 December 2012
Flickr Juliana Pinto No way out 0

The second Bar Council of Northern Ireland Conference held in the Royal Courts of Justice tackled the issue of ‘Justice for All’ across numerous areas of legal practice on 30 November.

Addressing the Conference as part of the ‘Justice in Government’ section, Fionnuala Connolly BL, a barrister specialising in European and Immigration Law, examined the Private Members Bill placed before the Assembly by Lord Morrow.

“In my view, this is a welcome, robust and significant step forward in combating human trafficking in Northern Ireland. Firstly, if passed the legislation will send out a clear message to those engaged or potentially engaged in this type of criminal activity, that trafficking will not be tolerated in this jurisdiction.

“Secondly, the legislation will provide crucial safeguards and protections to some of the most vulnerable people in our society, the victims of human trafficking. I welcome in particular the robust provisions for legal advocates to act in the best interests of the child.

“Thirdly, the legislation would represent the grasping of the nettle in terms of the transposition of the directive into domestic law.”

Welcoming the Bar’s support, Lord Morrow said he was delighted that the Bill has completed it consultation and as it moves towards First Stage that barristers, involved in the administration of justice on a daily basis, have recognised and indeed, endorsed the need for the legislation to tackle what has become an ever increasing problem in our society.

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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