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New Report from the UK Human Trafficking Centre

Human Trafficking
31 August 2012
I Stock 000005760718 Medium 5

The UK Human Trafficking Centre (UKHTC) became part of the Serious Organised Crime Agency’s response to trafficking in 2010. The UKHTC is responsible for collecting data on trafficking in the UK. It has just this month released its first report, assessing the situation in the UK for 2011. The head of the UKHTC, David Dillnut, said: “What this assessment gives us though, for the first time, is a better understanding of the extent of human trafficking. It aims to inform the UK’s response at a government, law enforcement, and non-governmental organisation level.”

UKHTC found 2,077 victims of trafficking in 2011, with the majority of these trafficked for sexual exploitation (31%) and labour exploitation (22%). 99 of these victims were UK citizens (and of the UK citizens, 53% had been trafficked for sexual exploitation).

However, the report indicates there are still problems around identification and support. It is likely the number seen in this report are just the tip of the iceberg. As David Dillnut points out, “Investigating this type of crime is a challenge to us all as victims are often kept locked away and unseen by society. We need the public to help us too and I urge anyone with information on a potential victim of trafficking to share it with the authorities.” Also, some potential victims are still seen as criminal suspects by the police and courts, and so fail to receive much needed help.

We are pleased to see the UKHTC taking a more proactive role by issuing this report, and hope the Government will see this information as a call to action.

A full copy of the report is available here (

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Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the greatest violations of human dignity. We are fighting for effective laws that will help victims get better support.

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